Friday 29 January 2016

125 Speaking & Listening

Finish Bio-fabrication from yesterday

Unit 2:3

Good morning: How's it going today?
Check Homework: Ex 1 and 9 
Verbs: State, Dynamic and Mixed Verbs
Reading: Houses around the world 
Grammar & Reading: Present Passive Review: News Reports
Metro News / People / Buzz Feed  


1) Study for unit 2 Quiz 
Your quiz will be about an hour.
It will include everything we studied this week and everything in unit 2. There will be a Grammar, Reading, Writing, listening and Vocabulary section.

2) Write your 2 passive sentences and 2 active sentences from your News articles.
Change the Passive sentences to Active (you might need to think of a subject
Change the Active Sentence to Passive (your sentence must have an object)
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Wednesday 27 January 2016

125 Listening & Speaking

Recent News: Historic Jackpot 
Wednesday's Topic: Procrastination 
Speaking: Daily habits, Routines and things happening now!
Speaking #2: Practicing State verbs in Speaking
Vocabulary + Writing: Vocabulary 2:1
Passive Intro study: Simple sentences 

Grammar: Passive in the Present Tenses 
Homework check: Ex: 4


1) Change the 2 paragraphs to Passive
2) Extra bonus homework: Ex 2 (I saw messenger in class!)

Correction to yesterday's homework
I ________ whether I’ll get another chance to retake the exam.
I ________ she is at home, she is usually at the gym at this time.

Elec 1 - Thursday

 Digital Detox