Wednesday 26 February 2020


Crime Statistics
Check Homework (Past Simple Vs Present Perfect)
Past Simple Vs Past Continuous


  1. Past Simple and Past Continuous 
  2. Finish exercise 2 in Crime Statistics 

Tuesday 25 February 2020


Crime: Student A
Crime: Student B
Past Simple Vs Present Perfect
Exercise pdf

(Do as many exercises as you can depending on the time that you have)
Exercise pdf (6:1 6:2 6:3 6:4 6:5)

Wednesday 12 February 2020


Grammar 6:2 - Exercise 1
Speaking with Adjective Clauses

1. Watch the video again: "Why do we cry?"
2. Find 6 examples of contrast in the video
3. Write 6 sentences with linking words of contrast (Unlike, While, Whereas, However, On the other hand, in contrast) to express the 6 examples of contrast.

Example 1: 
Scientists assumed that people from wealthy countries cried less.
The study showed that people from wealthy countries actually cried less. 

Elective 1



Answer the questions about Rights and Freedoms and Share the document with me.
Do not Copy and Paste the answers. 

Tuesday 4 February 2020


Hi everyone, welcome to my blog. My name is Leanne (pr: li - an)
My email is:

Intro Conversation: The Internet
Social Media 
I've never owned a car...

Homework for Wednesday
- Write sentences: (in a Google doc. Share to my email)
appealing (adj), boom (v), urge (v), distract (v), keep in touch with (ex), barely (adv), roughly (adv), buzz (n)

Homework for Friday 
- Write a 250-word paragraph using examples of Present Perfect Simple and Present Perfect Continuous (to express unfinished actions) + some examples of Past Simples.
- Write about a topic that really interests you / a topic that you are super passionate about.
- You will read your paragraphs in class on Friday. 

Elective 1

Elec 1 - Thursday

 Digital Detox