Wednesday 7 December 2011

Global issues!

Discussion questions

How much do you spend each day?
How much do you spend on clothes every month?
Going out for dinner?
Do you ever buy 2nd hand clothes or things?
Do you ever give money to charity.
Do you have more than one credit card?
How important is money to you?
How much do you have to spend to get a really good meal in your country.
In the streets, would you ever give money to a homeless person? Why or why not? What about food?
How much do you tip at a restaurant?

Answer the following questions regarding the video:

1. How much time has Jacqueline dedicated to the problems of poverty?                        


2. How does she define the real issue of poverty?                                                      


3. What is the size of the Mathare Valley slum?                                                                 


4. The Mathare Valley slum is populated by how many people?                                                             


5. Mama Rose has been renting her dwelling in the Mathare Valley slum for how long?                                 


6. In what way does she make money to send her children to school?                                          


7. Jane had two dreams! What were they?                                                          


8. Where was Jane's husband?                                                                                                   


9. What was the worst thing about being a prostitute?                                                         


10. How much was the deposit needed for Jane's house?                                                               


11. How much does Jane have to pay for her monthly mortgage repayment?                 


12. What doesn't poor mean according to Jacqueline?                                                             

4. MAKE ‘EM HISTORY: In pairs / groups, talk about whether the issues below will ever disappear from our world. Rank them in order of most important to be assigned to the history books. Make sure you all agree.
  1. Poverty in Africa.
  2. Nuclear weapons.
  3. AIDS.
  4. Terrorism.
  5. Globalization.
  6. Drugs.
  7. Global warming.
  8. Child labor.

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