Thursday 1 November 2018


Indirect Questions (Unit 11:1)
Practice 1
Practice 2
Practice 3
Practice 4
Speaking Exercise 

Question Tags (Unit 11:2)
Question Tags Practice

Reported speech (unit 12:1 and 12:2)
Do Ex: 1
More Questions 

Review of Present Perfect Simple and Continuous 

Exam Review
REVIEW for the BIG exam on FRIDAY ;-D

Gerund of Infinitives
Practice 1
Practice 2
Practice 3
Practice 4

Gerunds and Infinitives

Common verbs and phrases that are followed by a gerund

  • admit
  • advise
  • avoid
  • be used to
  • can’t help
  • can’t stand
  • consider
  • deny
  • discuss
  • dislike
  • end up
  • enjoy
  • feel like
  • finish
  • forget
  • get used to
  • give up
  • go on
  • have difficulty
  • have problems
  • have trouble
  • imagine
  • it’s no use
  • it’s worthwhile
  • keep
  • look forward to
  • mention
  • mind
  • miss
  • recommend
  • remember
  • quit
  • spend time
  • stop
  • suggest
  • understand
  • waste time
  • work at

Common verbs that can be followed by either a gerund or an infinitive without causing a change in meaning

  • begin
  • continue
  • hate
  • intend
  • like
  • love
  • prefer
  • start

Common verbs that can be followed by a gerund or infinitive but with a change in meaning

  • forget
  • remember
  • stop

Common verbs that are followed by an infinitive

  • afford
  • agree
  • appear
  • arrange
  • ask
  • care
  • decide
  • demand
  • expect
  • fail
  • forget
  • hope
  • learn
  • manage
  • mean
  • offer
  • plan
  • prepare
  • pretend
  • promise
  • refuse
  • remember
  • seem
  • stop
  • volunteer
  • wait
  • want
  • wish

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