Tuesday 13 March 2012

Unit 11 vocabulary

Meaning and Example

Import and export, international, get and give
ex) My father works in the trade office.
businessjob, work
ex) My father is businessman.
importwe get somethings that are made from other countries.
ex) Developing countries depend on imports
exportThe nation sells something to another nation
The opposite of import
ex) Japanese company export to Korea for sell the car.
profitWhen you invest to stock market, your money is increased. That increasing money is profit.
= extra money, benefit
ex) I could get a lot of profit from investment.
factoryA place to make something
ex) This chocolate is made by factory.
advertisementA notice  picture or film telling people about a product, job or service.

I have never seen PC advertisement yet.
commercialA animation or using website telling people about a product, job or service.
I don’t like this type of TV commercial.
customerthe people who visit the shop.
There were many customers in my shop to buy many meet.
discountlittle money of the product.
the store has a discount on all the product.
productmake something.
Japanese  Factory make very good products.
currencymeans like money
I have Canadian currency.
industry1 It is company.They make large big machine.
2 Our countries automobile industry is expending.
brand1 It is expensive logo or  someone  unique style.
2 This brand of tea is my favorite.
1 It is importance useful a worth.
2 Face book has historical value

1.It meaning is creating, bearing, growing and  making.
2.We produce a lot of books.
import1.It meaning is  into,bringing and getting.
2.My country  import many foods from other countries.
1.It meaning is sending, and  opposite  importing.
2.We export many fruits.

profit1.It meaning is winning and which is beyond of the costs
2. The company profit with produce computer.
tradebig business.
China trades to all the world.
advertisetrade on the Magazine.
MacDonald advertises on the TV.

Mobarak was released from the jail.
exchangethe act of giving someone something and receiving something else from them
ex) I exchange water for food
to rent something for free.
I borrowed the textbook from my teacher.

lendSimilar to ‘borrow’

Can you lend me a pen please.
decreaseSomething goes down
The opposite of increase
ex) Japanese population is decreasing
Something goes up
The opposite of decrease
ex) Steep of mountain is increasing.

1.It meaning is usable, able to get and buy,unmarried and free.
2.The clothes are available this shop.

1.It meaning is outside.
2.The people coming outside for study here.
Toyota company makes globally cars

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